Post Weekend

Daddy is home!!!

Having my mother-in-law and own mom (among other relatives) each here for a week was, of course, soooooo helpful, (ok, and somewhat exhausting and stressful, but I sure as heck couldn't have done it without them).'s not like having Tyson around.  He is now not allowed to leave the babies and me ever again.

We celebrated his return on Friday night by going out for dinner on our first date since the twins were born.  I celebrated by promptly having two Moscow Mules (which are hard to find, and were served appropriately in copper mugs) and is more liquor than I have had in a looooonnng time.  Worth it.  Also worth it: sharing a burger and the Friday fish fry.  And Tyson knew better than to argue when the waitress asked if we wanted dessert, so the key lime pie was worth it, too.  And he surprised me with a pair of silver elephant earrings that he bought from a museum in Chicago.  Smart move, hubby.


We went to church for the first time in forever this morning.  We put the twins in the nursery for the very first time (which also means that I paid attention to the sermon in the first time in forever) and they LOVED it.  When we picked them up all of the volunteers commented on how well-behaved and happy they were.  We peeked in the window before picking them up to see how they were doing and to watch them play.  While I was watching, Caden was enjoying being held by a teenage volunteer, and Brooklyn was on her tummy on the ground, having a blast just kicking her legs in her little pink dress and looking around.  A family with a few older kids was standing next to me, and I heard them saying, "Oh, she's so cute!"  "Look at her, she's so happy!"  "She's having so much fun looking at everything!" and then I realized that they were talking about my kid.  That's my girl.


Caden has been a champion sleeper/napper lately.  Last night he slept from about 7:00pm-4:00am before waking up to eat (he woke up fussy at one point, but went back to sleep pretty easily) and then got up for good at 6:45 this morning.  And he slept for a good three hours this afternoon.  WIN.


Unrelated to the weekend: a couple weeks ago we went to a playgroup with other twins from our church.  Six sets of twins (age three and under), and another mom expecting twins in the fall.  In other words: it was mass chaos.  And totally awesome.


Insert cute baby pictures here: