Even though it's almost the next weekend. What day even is it anymore?
It's Wednesday. I've "suddenly" realized that about 14 different times today. Holiday weekends always throw me for a loop. Not to mention this entire week is throwing me off: virtually all of the kids' activities have ceased, the summer ones have yet to begin. There is not much in the way of "normal" this week, and the holiday that started it all off doesn't help.
Neither did days like yesterday's weather. Although it's actually some of my favorite kind of weather. (Relax, you summer-loving crazies.) I'm excited for summer, sure, but another day of sweatshirts and jeans was just fine by me.
Though that wasn't the case last Friday, which was probably the nicest day of the extended weekend:
(Pro tip: I like to set up "stations" around the yard. I got the idea from the kids' outdoor classroom at school. The sandbox and playset are always there, of course, but then I add a couple of other things: the water table and t-ball set, chalk or their bikes, and they rotate through playing with everything and do a pretty good job of staying active and playing by themselves and with each other. #parentingwin)
Sunday evening Tyson and I sat on our front porch and watched the sunset. And a storm roll in. Basically simultaneously. We heard thunder far off in the distance though half of our sky was a brilliant orange.
Monday brought out the wearing of the red, white, and blue.
It also brought out these angel children that ACTUALLY ALL SAT STILL and LOOKED AT THE CAMERA AT THE SAME TIME.
Did you know that this guy is fifteen months old, now? Fifteen months. He looks and acts more like he's in eighteen-month territory, but that's due to his jump back up to the 80th percentile for height. And his fearlessness and playground-climbing skills actually put him more into three-year old territory, since he thinks he's just like the other two that are closest to his size in this house.
It also brought a first campfire experience (or "firecamp" as Caden called it)...
...and, most important of all, it brought the first taste of s'mores.
In case you can't tell, they approved.
("Say 's'mores'!" Brooklyn: Yeah, look here it is. Caden: Leave me alone I'm busy EATING it.)