A Winter Prep List

I am one of the approximately three people who have never watched a single episode of Game of Thrones. (I know.) Yet even I know its tagline: Winter is coming.

Maybe (ahem, definitely) because I’ve seen so many memes based around those now-famous words. Whether you’ve watched the show or not, there’s something about living in Minnesota that makes us deeply resonate with that phrase. This Game of Thrones motto could very well be adopted by our own North Star State. Which of us hasn’t uttered those words, or similar, at some point? They imply something ominous: winter is on the horizon, and we know what that means. It means less time outside, fewer hours of daylight, and way, way less warmth.

Even as someone who doesn’t mind winter all that much, (Unless the snowstorms last well into March and then into April, and even all the way into—God forbid—May, then come talk to me about moving half a dozen states south.) it’s undeniable that winter gets...long. Especially with kids. Even with piles of toys and books and art supplies it’s inevitable they look around and sigh, “I’m boor-ed.” Even more especially this year, as we stretch into months eight, nine, and ten of a global pandemic.

I’ve been thinking a lot in the past couple of weeks about this article. It outlines various ways to prepare yourself and your home for all the time we’re about to spend indoors over the next several months. It could be the type-A planner in me (ahem, that’s all of me), but this sounds like a good, helpful, tangible way to take some control of my life right now.

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Read the rest including some ideas on how to prep for winter over on Twin Cities Mom Collective.